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Moin to my blog!

Hiya, I'm Frederik or zorrn/z0rrn (zorrn is actually not available on a lot of sites). I write here to help my soul, maybe improve my wiriting and cause it's fun, otherwise I like playing handball!

My projects are mostly private, but I'm trying to open up more. My projects are on the GitHub down ↓.
I hope you enjoy it here. Write me if you'd like... I'll respond.

your friend

Just to verify you're not interacting with my evil twin, here are some links to my profiles:

email: fz 🐌 zorrn.net
github: https://github.com/z0rrn
npm: https://www.npmjs.com/~zorrn
dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/u/zorrn
bluesky and fediverse: maybe soon™

Please don't be shy and write me! I want to help or just chat.

Otherwise I mostly link back to GitHub or this site.

A funny cartoon by the peanuts:
Snoopy starts a story: "It was a dark and stormy night.",
Lucy interrupts: "That's a terrible way to start a story! 'Once upon a time...'
that's the way all good stories begin.",
Snoopy starts again: "Once upon a time, it was a dark and stormy night."